Vince Farquharson
COO @bossastudios (& Producer on I am Bread)
Welcome to the first dev. diary for I am Bread and thanks for supporting us through Steam Early Access!
Firstly, we’re so super-excited to see all of your crazy game-playing experiences via Steam Streams, Twitch and YouTube. You seem to be laughing and screaming just as much as the team here at Bossa Studios (especially during production) and, like us, you’ve probably never been so ecstatic to get an F grade before :o) Keep at it, that first A++ is just as sweet.
So, what can you expect from these dev. diaries and from future versions of I am Bread?
The dev. diaries are where the I am Bread team will give you the insider information on what we’re working on, so that we can get your initial feedback on whether we’re heading in the right direction or whether there are any ideas you can throw in to make the game even better.
We’re making this game for you guys, so the more you share with us the more we can do to fulfill your bread dreams!
Each week a different member of the team will write the diary, tell you what they’ve been up to and where the game in general is heading. This way you’ll get to know the people behind the game, a bit about what the different roles within the team mean and, of course, get a good overview of new features and enhancements that are on the way.
Well, the big news this week of course was that we launched the game into Early Access. I spent large chunks of my week saying “Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?” until it was basically easier for everyone to finish their tasks rather than listening to me bugging them about it any more, which is basically my job in a nutshell (I’m paid to be really annoying).
It was many late nights and a few edge of the seat moments, before a collective intake of breath was taken as we pushed the version live and waited. We didn’t have to wait long before the first streams and reviews started to go live, and there has been a lot of time spent viewing your play sessions, reading your comments, frantically jotting down notes, laughing, and generally being quietly relieved by all the positive feedback we’ve had.
Off the back of this we’ve decided to focus our first update on refining what we’ve got so far before pushing on with the big content updates that we’re planning for later. So you can expect a polished version of the initial release with useful additional features, more balanced gameplay and enhanced environments. Later down the line you’ll get more levels, major new features and the epic story of our doughy hero unfold.
Thanks for tuning in and we look forward to hearing from you in the forums.
Next week; Henrique (plate smasher) Olifiers, CEO @bossastudios (& even more importantly; sound effects guy on I am Bread!)